Current Events:

For all walks, please make sure you have decent footwear (especially when it’s been wet) and suitable clothing: all walks will go ahead unless the weather is really bad (we’ve cancelled just one walk in the last 6 years) but do check if you’re in any doubt or want more information. If conditions necessitate the route of walks may need to change at short notice.

Regular Event: First Friday
Friday Monthly Walks
Short walks around Dereham

Join us for a leisurely short walk of no more than 4 miles. There’s no need to book, just turn up.

Next short walk starts 10:15, Friday 2 August
from The Windmill.

If coming by car, please park on Greenfields Road (avoiding the limited Windmill car park).

The walk will be led at a reasonable pace - we do not rush, but we do need to make progress for the group as a whole; if you have any questions about our speed, please raise them with us. There’s no need to book, just turn up.

See a report from our April and June short walks.

Regular Event: Second Tuesday
Easy Tuesday Walks
Easy Tuesday Walks around Dereham

Join us on the second Tuesday of the month for a walk no more than two miles and on good and even surfaces: we will make it clear in the email if this is not the case. The pace will be steady with regular pauses to catch our breath.

Afterwards there will be an opportunity to have some refreshments at a nearby hotel/cafe (bring your purse).

The next walk will be on Tuesday 13 August.
Meet at 10:00 outside Dads-and-Lads
(near the entrance of Cherry Tree car park)

If you think this might be for you and want more details or have any questions, please contact Sue at Please note that if you need personal support in order to take part, you will need to arrange this yourself; we regret that we are unable to provide it.

PDF icon

Download our 2024 Programme Calendar - June Update (PDF, opens in new tab).

Boot prints

This is the initial 2024 plan so subject to change. As time goes by you will be able to see how the walks went on our Event History page.

E="easy" (2 miles),
S="short" (4 miles),
F="full" (5-7+ miles):
** 2024 **
Mon 1 Jan F Full NYD walk (Rushmeadow) tick
Fri 5 Jan S Regular Short walk - Neatherd tick
Tue 9 Jan E Regular Easy Tuesday walk tick
Fri 2 Feb S Regular Short walk - Town Centre tick
Tue 13 Feb E Regular Easy Tuesday walk tick
Sat 17 Feb F Bus-walk (Swanton Morley) tick
Fri 1 Mar S Regular Short walk - Windmill tick
Tue 12 Mar E Regular Easy Tuesday walk tick
Wed 20 Mar F North & East walk tick
Fri 5 Apr S Regular Short walk - Neatherd tick
Tue 9 Apr E Regular Easy Tuesday walk tick
Sat 20 Apr S Shorter walk and AGM tick
Fri 3 May S Regular Short walk - Town Centre tick
Tue 14 May E Regular Easy Tuesday walk tick
Mon 27 May F Late May Bank Holiday tick
Fri 7 June S Regular Short walk - Windmill tick
Tue 11 June E Regular Easy Tuesday walk tick
Sat 15 Jun F (Nearly) Summer tick
Fri 5 July S Regular Short walk - Neatherd tick
Tue 9 July E Regular Easy Tuesday walk tick
Wed 17 Jul F Train-walk (Thuxton) tick
Fri 2 Aug S Regular Short walk - Windmill
Tue 13 Aug E Regular Easy Tuesday walk
Mon 26 Aug F Garden Party walk
Fri 6 Sept S Regular Short walk - Town Centre
Sat 7 Sept F Heritage Open Day walk
Tue 10 Sept E Regular Easy Tuesday walk
Sat 14 Sept F Heritage Open Day walk
Fri 4 Oct S Regular Short walk - Neatherd
Tue 8 Oct E Regular Easy Tuesday walk
Wed 16 Oct F Bus-walk (Beetley)
Fri 1 Nov S Regular Short walk - Windmill
Tue 12 Nov E Regular Easy Tuesday walk
Fri 6 Dec S Regular Short walk - Town Centre
Tue 10 Dec E Regular Easy Tuesday walk
** 2025 **
Wed 1 Jan F Full NYD walk