Wednesday 17 July 2024
Thuxton station
Thuxton Train Walk

In a welcome break from recent weather, a fine day saw a party of 15 meet up at Dereham Railway Station on 17 July. A 20 minute train ride took us to Thuxton, where we commenced the 7 mile walk back to Dereham.

Bull in field

Tracks and paths took us through Wyvern Farm and round the edge of Garvestone, crossing the railway line en route. Along the route was an old "Bull in field" sign, there was no bull, but just in case Ken proceeded first with his bull attracting hi-vis vest.

We followed field edge paths and tracks took us through pleasant sunshine and ripening crops to reach Whinburgh and a short rest in the church grounds.

Walking along field boundary Whinburgh Church Yard
Under pylon
Clover field

Keeping to the west of Yaxham, we followed a track north, then a newly cleared path through a crop of clover, and under a high-voltage pylon, to reach the River Tud and the parish boundary bringing us back into Dereham.

Open fields behind us, we followed on urban footpaths and pedestrian cut-throughs to pass under the A47 and along Safari Way back to the station.

Here, those who had taken advantage of the Mid-Norfolk Railway’s offer partook of tea/coffee and cake to round off a most enjoyable outing.

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