7 June, 2024
Friday Monthly Walks
Monthly Short Walk

A bright day with a cool breeze accompanied the group assembled by the Windmill on Friday, setting off round the Orbit development still being built, then crossing Norwich Road and following the byway along the southern side of The Neatherd and the land earmarked for the developing country park.

Walking by trees

We followed through to Etling Green, where we headed north to the byway along the northern side of the country park land. Turning off a bit before we reached Swanton Road, we came back down to The Neatherd, passing the ducks (all but one of which was on the grass rather than in the pond), once more heading towards Etling Green, but leaving along the path past the school to recross Norwich Road. Down Cherry Lane brought us back to the Windmill and welcome refreshments at the Partea Hut.

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