Committee meeting synopsis

Meeting date: 7 December, 2018

With thanks to Ken and Catherine who noticed the month and provided coffee and mince pies during the meeting.


All key updates completed although a number of additions remain outstanding.


The Treasurer reported that after ring fenced Neatherd project money and our operating reverse were taken out we have £77 of uncommitted funds.


The email and telephone contact list stands at 97.

51 stick-on logos are on display around the town.
47 leaflet holders are in place and 1223 walk packs have been issued.

The final design of our roll-up banner was signed off. This is to be purchased from Roller Banners UK.

The design of a Christmas calendar was approved with Tim to print 66 copies for distribution to our supporters.

Ken to be interviewed by Norwich radio.

Future Work

Distribution of our walk packs has been so successful that a reprint will be required sooner than expected. It was agreed that Catherine would pursue Awards for All funding. It was thought useful also to sound out DTC for a possible grant.

Events Programme

Debrief on our 'Gressenhall walk' indicated it had worked well, with no action points.

The next walk would be 1 January 'Hogmanay Hike'. It was agreed to end at Dorothy and Martin's for seasonal food.

Provisional 2019 programme: Plans for the rest of the year depended on various consultations; these have either been made, or no replies received, and the following are now provisionally arranged.

Footpath work

Various minor maintenance/clearance had been undertaken.

Dereham Town Council: A report was put to members at the 27 November meeting of the Heritage and Open Spaces Committee.

Other bodies: Norfolk County Council (NCC) had not indicated when works on the new Restricted Byways will be undertaken, though all were now on the interactive map and Definitive Map.
Ken had been copied in to a report of someone falling on the boardwalk on FP14a. This had been reported to NCC by Norfolk Wildlife Trust.

Love Norfolk, Hate Litter: It was readily agreed to support this project by Nigel & Jenny Ford.

WaW Regional

Jenny, Catherine and Ken to attend Suffolk Alliance meeting at Clare on 31 January.